Great replica of German Y-Straps! This is an early model - with hidden seam on the front straps. We make these Y-straps by ourselves, we do not ship anything overseas to assemble it and we do not import anything from outside Europe. You can be sure that it's 100% European quality, like it was back then in 1939! As you can see on the photos - Y-straps are sewn with proper unbleached, waxed linen thread in natural color. Proper fittings installed. We highly recommend this replica - it's 100% our Nestof® product!
- Made by Nestof®!
- New, unused item!
- High quality replica!
- Perfect for reenactment!
- Natural oil tanned leather!
- 100% European raw materials used!
- Sewn with natural linen non-whitened thread!
- Early version - with hidden seams on the front straps!
Such Y-straps were introduced to German Army in 1939, they stayed in usage till the end of the war.