Opracowanie dotyczące kamuflażowego umundurowania Wehrmachtu stosowanego podczas II Wojny Światowej.
Język: angielski
ISBN: 9780764316234
Autor: Werner Palinckx
Dane Techniczne: 288 stron, ponad 580 zdjęć i fotografii, zarówno w kolorze jak i czarno-białych, twarda oprawa. Format: 23.35 x 2.8 x 30.5 cm
- Publikacja wydawnictwa Schiffer Military, wysoko cenionego wśród kolekcjonerów i hobbystów
An indispensable guide for historians, collectors and military modelers, this book finally resolves the confusion surrounding many of the many World War II Wehrmacht (both Army and Luftwaffe) patterns and garments and establishes a complete and concise system of identification and terminology. A comparative section with post-war fabrications is added as a tool for authentication. More than ten different camouflage patterns are covered, including the super rare carbon overprint and Leibermuster. Authentic zeltbahns, helmet covers, caps, smocks, winter clothing, anti-gas outfits, body aprons, tents and more are shown in over 580 full color, and contemporary black and white photographs (most published here for the first time).
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- Camouflage Uniforms of the German Wehrmacht
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