Drugi tom opracowania dotyczący umundurowania i wyposażenia Armii Niemieckiej z okresu 1908-1918 na podstawie ponad 1000 zdjęć.
Język: angielski
ISBN: 9780764345845
Autor: Johan Somers
Dane Techniczne: 336 stron, ponad 1000 zdjęć i fotografii, zarówno w kolorze jak i czarno-białych, twarda oprawa. Format: 30.9 x 23.9 x 3.6 cm
- Publikacja wydawnictwa Schiffer Military, wysoko cenionego wśród kolekcjonerów i hobbystów
These books present in detail the field-grey uniforms, helmets, weapons, and equipment used before and during the First World War. The origin and the many formations in existence at the outbreak of the war, and newly raised will be outlined, followed by a section on uniforms. The many carefully selected black and white war-era photos with large and complete captions will give the reader a thorough understanding of the appearance of the German Army during World War I. Each branch of service is lavishly illustrated with over 3000 black and white, and color photographs. The three volumes cover: uniforms, headgear, weapons, gas warfare, telephone and communications equipment, infantry, jäger, schÃ"tzen, radfahrer, mountain troops, machine gunners, cavalry, artillery, pioneers, transport, train, medical, and miscellaneous formations.

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- The Imperial German Armies in Field Grey Seen Through Period Photographs 1907-1918
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