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Feldhose M43 Splittertarn/Splinter WH trousers - repro
Repro of Heer Feldhose Splittertarn M43 trousers
93,80 €
brutto +
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Feldhose M43 Eichentarn Waffen SS trousers - repro
Repro of Waffen SS Feldhose Eichentarn M43 trousers
93,80 €
brutto +
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M43 Feldhose - German WH/SS M43 trousers - repro
Repro of M43 Feldhose - WH/SS German M43 field trousers.
71,30 €
brutto +
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Gabardine Tuchhose, Wehrmacht parade trousers
Reproduction of Heer gabardine parade trousers. Branded by Nestof®.
99,80 €
brutto +
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High- quality reproduction of German general breeches - Reithose.
104,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
74,80 €
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Tropen Stiefelhose M40, tropica officerl breeches
Reproduction of german tropical breeches - Tropen Stiefelhose M40.
84,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
62,30 €
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M33 Drillichhose - white HBT drill trousers - repro
Museum-quality repro of WH/SS drill trousers - Drillichhose.
74,80 €
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Delivery costs
93,80 €
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Delivery costs
WH Panzerhose - Heer armoured trousers - repro
Museum-quality repro of WH Panzerhose - Heer armoured trousers. Made under our supervision.
84,80 €
brutto +
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M43 Drillichhose - HBT trousers - repro by Sturm
Repro of M43 Drillichhose German trousers. Made by Sturm.
48,80 €
brutto +
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M40 Feldhose - WH/SS field trousers - repro
Repro of M40 Feldhose - WH/SS German field trousers. Made under our supervision.
93,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Windhose M42 - mountain troops trousers - repro
Museum-quality repro of Windhose M42 - mountain troops trousers. Made under our supervision.
74,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Reithose - wool officer breeches - repro
Museum-quality repro of WH/SS Reithose - wool officer breeches . Made under our supervision.
96,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
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