Ammo related
Gewehr 88 stripper clip - repro
Stripper clip for the Gewehr 88 rifle for 7.9 × 57 mm and 7.92 × 57 mm JS ammunition.
4,70 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box Pistolenpatronen 08 m.E 1943 - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 9 mm cartridges with iron core from 1943
6,50 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Italian Breda M37 feed strip - surplus
Original feed strip for Italian Breda Modello M37 machine gun. Each strip can hold 20 8×59 mm Breda rounds
19,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Mosin M1891, M1891/30 stripper clip - repro
RIA/RKKA Mosin M1891, M1891/30 loader - perfect for display, 7,62x54R mm ammo
2,50 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Deko 5,56x45 mm round M16 M4
5,56x45 mm decoration-only round. Deactivated fuse, no propellants or explosives inside. Check Your country's law before ordering! Post-war production.
1,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 8x33 mm Kurzpatronen STG-44/MP-44 - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 8x33 mm Pistolenpatronen m. E." (mit Eisenkern 1944) ammunition STG-44
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm ball cartridge Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Schweres Spitzgeschoß 1940 ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm tracer ammunition Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Patronen S. M. K. L'Spur (grunrot) bulets Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm ball cartridge Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Schweres Spitzgeschoß ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm ball cartridge Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Schweres Spitzgeschoß ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm anti-armour ammunition with iron core Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Spitzgeschoss mit Kern ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm ammunition with iron core Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Spitz mit Eisenkern ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm blank ammunition Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Platzpatrone ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm anti aircraft ammunition Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm leichtes Spitzgeschoss ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ammo box 7,92 x 57 mm "observation" ammunition Mauser 98k - replica
Perfect replica of WH/SS ammo box for 7,92 x 57 mm Beobachtung ammunition Mauser 98k
6,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs