Polizei Soldbuch - repro, unfilled
A perfect repro of German Polizei ID pay book - Polizei Soldbuch Personalausweis.
13,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Stabshelferin des Heeres einfachbuch - repro, unfilled
A perfect repro of Einfachbuch fur Stabshelferin des Heeres - women auxillary Wehrmacht services pay book.
14,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Reichsarbeitsdienst denstausweis - repro, unfilled
A perfect repro of Reichsarbeitsdienst denstausweis - Reich Labour Service member service/pay book.
20,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
20,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
20,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Feldmutze Feldgrau M43/M44 - WH/SS wool cap - repro
Museum-quality repro of WH/SS M43/M44 cap. Czech production
49,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Reichsbahn/Bahnschutzpolizei Koppelschloss - officers belt buckle - aluminium - repro
Repro of Reichsbah and Bahnschutzpolizei Koppelschloss - aluminium officers belt buckle repro.
79,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
79,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
KM Koppelschloss - Kriegsmarine belt buckle - aluminium - repro
Kriegsmarine Koppelschloss - navy museum-quality aluminium belt buckle.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
DLV Koppelschloss - belt buckle - aluminum - repro
Perfect repro of Deutscher Luftsportverband - German Air Sports Association belt buckle.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
NSDStB Koppelschloss - belt buckle - aluminum - repro
Perfect repro of Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund - National Socialist German Students Union belt buckle.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
RAD Koppelschloss - Reich Labour Service belt buckle - aluminum - repro
Perfect repro of Reichsarbeitsdienst Koppelschloss - Reich Labour Service belt buckle.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Reichsbah/Bahnschutzpolizei Koppelschloss - belt buckle - aluminium - repro
Repro of Reichsbah and Bahnschutzpolizei Koppelschloss - aluminium belt buckle repro.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH Strafbataillon Koppelschloss - Heer penal battalion aluminium belt buckle - repro
Perfect repro of Koppelschloss - German Wehrmacht penal battalions aluminium belt buckle.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Luftschutz Koppelschloss - aluminum belt buckle - repro
Perfect repro of Reichsluftschutzbund Koppelschloss - German National Air Raid Protection League belt buckle repro.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs