Fallschirmjäger boots, 2nd model - repro
High-quality repro of second model German jump boots. Made in Poland by Fredericci
309,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Schnurschuhe - German M33 ankle boots model IV - repro
Perfect repro of Reichswehrs M33 ankle boots, made of natural leather, the rough side from the outside blackened. Made to measure.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Schnurschuhe - German M33 ankle boots model III - repro
Perfect repro of Reichswehrs M33 ankle boots, made of natural leather, the smooth side from the outside blackened. Made to measure.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
307,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Schnurschuhe M44 - German late war ankle boots - repro
Perfect repro of late-war german Schnurschuhe, made of natural brown leather.
347,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Schnurschuhe - German M33 ankle boots model II - repro
Perfect repro of Reichswehrs M33 ankle boots, made of natural leather, the rough side from the outside blackened. Made to measure.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Schnurschuhe - German M33 ankle boots model I - repro
Perfect repro of Reichswehrs M33 ankle boots, made of natural leather, blackened. Made to measure.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Panzerstiefel - German tanker ankle boots - repro - blackened
High-quality repro of WH/SS tanker ankle boots - Panzerstiefel made of leather, blackened.
294,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Reiterstiefel - German riding boots - repro
Museum-quality repro of german cavalry boots Reiterstiefel, made of natural leather. Made to measure.
361,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Reiterstiefle - German riding boots - repro
Perfect repro of german cavalry boots Reiterstiefel, made of natural leather and blackened. Made to measure.
414,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Marschstiefel - German early type marching boots - repro
Perfect repro of pre-war german Marschstiefel, made of natural leather and blackened.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
German ankle boots Schnurschuhe M37 - repro
High-quality Repro of Schnurschuhe M37 WH/SS ankle boots. Made in Poland by Fredericci.
307,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS/LW Offiziersstiefel - leather officer boots - repro
Museum-quality repro of German officer boots. Made by Nestof®
296,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
117,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
German LW gaiters - late war version, undyed leathers, repro
Perfect repro of late war LW gaiters in Blaugrau colour for ankle boots. Leather parts in natural color.
37,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs