Knight's Cross of Iron Cross - ribbon included - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original.
24,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
War Merit Cross 2nd Class with swords - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original.
14,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Narvikschild - Narvik Shield - golden - repro
Perfect repro of German military decoration - campaing shield. A set consists of a shield itself, woolen layer and metal counter-shield, just as original.
24,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ärmelschild Demjansk - Demyansk Shield - repro
Perfect repro of German military decoration - campaing shield. A set consists of a shield itself, and metal counter-shield, just as original.
24,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Ärmelschild Kuban - Kuban Shield - repro
Perfect repro of German military decoration - campaing shield. A set consists of a shield itself, woolen layer and metal counter-shield, just as original.
32,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Krimschield - Crimea Shield - repro
Perfect repro of German military decoration - campaing shield. A set consists of a shield itself and metal counter-shield, just as original.
32,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
16,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH Adler - Wehrmacht Heer breast eagle - silver - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original.
17,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
KM Adler - Kriegsmarine breast eagle - golden - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original.
17,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Cholmschild - Cholm Shield - repro
Perfect repro of German military decoration - campaing shield. A set consists of a shield itself, woolen layer and metal counter-shield, just as original.
24,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Tank Assault badge - silver - antique effect - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original. Antique effect.
16,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
LW pilot observer badge - repro
Museum-quality die struck replica. Size and design fully resembles original.
17,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
17,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs