Replica of Polish casefor sewing accessories. The dimensions are in accordance with the Technical Terms. The replica is made of cotton canvas and is closed with a galvanized button, just like the original case. The product does not include sewing accessories. According to the regulations, the contents of the toolbox should be:
- 4 needles
- 10 mb of khaki cotton thread
- 10 mb of white cotton thread
- 1 pair of hooks for uniform jacket
- 1 pair of hooks for the coat
- 2 buttons for the jacket
- 2 small buttons
- 4 underwear buttons (with 2 holes)
- 4 shirt buttons (with 4 holes)
- Made by Nestof®!
- New, unused item!
- Perfect for reenactment!
- Museum-quality reproduction!
- Dimensions: width:, length of case with closed flap: 6,5 cm
Such bags were used in Polish Army of 2nd Polish Republic.