WH/SS Sportschuhe - German sport shoes - repro
Perfect repro of WH/SS Sportschuhe, made of natural leather with laces
157,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
German ankle boots Schnurschuhe M1914 - repro
High-quality repro of Schnurschuhe M1914 - German ankle boots. Made in Poland by Fredericci
307,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
54,80 €
brutto +
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Austro-Hungarian ankle boots Schnurschuhe M1910 - repro
High-quality repro of Kuk. M10 infantry ankle boots. Made in Poland by Fredericci
307,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
27,50 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Marschstiefel - German late war type marching boots - repro
Perfect repro of German Marschstiefel, made of natural leather and undyed.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Marschstiefel - German late war type marching boots - repro
Perfect repro of German Marschstiefel, made of natural leather and blackened.
344,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
WH/SS Schnurschuhe M44 - German late war ankle boots, mountain version - repro
Perfect repro of late-war german Schnurschuhe in mountain version, made of natural brown leather.
449,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
307,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Marschstiefel - German M1866 marching boots - repro
Perfect repro of German M1866 jackboots, made of natural leather, undyed.
344,80 €
brutto +
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Polizei Stoffgamaschen - late war canvas fabric, repro
Perfect repro of gaiters for ankle boots in Polizeigrün colour for police members
37,50 €
brutto +
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Russian Imperial Army M1916 low boots - repro
Perfect repro of Russian Imperial Army M1916 ankle boots, made of natural leather
287,30 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Stoffgamaschen - WH/SS late war canvas gaiters , repro
Repro of late war gaiters for ankle boots, with black leather straps.
34,20 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Stoffgamaschen - WH/SS early war canvas fabric gaiters, repro
Repro of gaiters for ankle boots, with black leather parts.
34,20 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Stoffgamaschen - WH/SS late war canvas fabric gaiters , repro
Repro of late war gaiters for ankle boots, with undyed leather straps.
34,20 €
brutto +
Delivery costs