Verlag Militaria
Vorschriften für Deutsche Maschinengewehre
A book about regulations and instructions for use machine guns by German army since 1899 to 1918
108,50 €
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130,80 €
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Delivery costs
130,80 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
Handbuch 1914-1918 : Fußartillerie, Band 1
A book about German field artilery from years of great war
86,00 €
brutto +
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Band I: Volkswehrleutnante
A book about Volkswehr organisation and about lieutenants of this unit -Volkswehrleutnante
75,00 €
brutto +
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Organisationshandbuch der k.u.k. Armee im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914–1918
A book about structure and organization of Austro-Hungarian army from great war time.
108,50 €
brutto +
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Österreichs Orden und Ehrenzeichen - Austrian Orders and Decorations
A book about Austrian orders and decorations up to 1918.
220,00 €
brutto +
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Bayerische Fahnen
A book about different flags and banners used in Bavarian armed forces since XVI centrury till 1918.
108,50 €
brutto +
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Handbuch 1914-1918: Infanterie, Band 4
A book about Landsturm units and border guards of German Army in 1914-1918.
75,00 €
brutto +
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The Belgian Army in the Great War vol. 2 - Die belgische Armee im Ersten Weltkrieg Band 2
A book about equipment, insignia and uniforms of Belgian army during WW1. Volume 2.
130,80 €
brutto +
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Die deutschen Pioniere, Verkehrstruppen und Train von 1871 bis 1914 - The German Pioneers, Technical Troops and Train
A book about pioneers and technical units of German Army before 1914.
127,50 €
brutto +
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The German Artillery from 1871 to 1914 - Die deutsche Artillerie von 1871 bis 1914
A book about the German artillery from 1871 to 1914.
127,50 €
brutto +
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DE: Die glatte Vorderlader-Artillerie
A book about muzzle-loaded artillery in Austrian-Hungarian navy.
127,50 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
126,00 €
brutto +
Delivery costs
49,50 €
brutto +
Delivery costs